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Member since 8 months ago

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Who does Dan Helmer represent? He is against division and also extremism which doesn’t represent our community’s values. Dan is a small business owner and entrepreneur. He is fighting for affordable health care, for education which makes our community competitive by nature, for good-paying jobs which can support a family, and also for strong infrastructure which often hooks up all sides of the local community. He believes in fairness, decency, and opportunity. He represents common men and women in the 10th District who really want to consult a world where overall economy is created for everyone not just a select few at the top and wherever our values are our values and our leaders fight for them.

How does Dan Helmer strategy to support our schools? Who would be the leaders of schools which are public and charters within his district? Will he always help public school and charter schools choice? Just what are the complications and opportunities faced with local public schools? Will Dan Helmer help our public schools’ capacity to develop protected places? Usually are charter schools successful in his district? Will he devote to creating significantly larger transparency in our schools?

Who are the state leaders in education that is public? Will he agree to ensuring that just about every child has a teacher that knows their label and is concerned about their future? Would your local community reap the benefits of more school choice options? Will he support somewhat better mental health providers in our clubs? Just how many pupils from different communities come together at your schools?

Just what are the top 3 things that will need to take place because of the good results of your respective high school? How can certainly your local public schools perform at a greater level than ever before? Why must they always come together? Where is your high school? What amount of money if the state invest in your high school? Will he commit to supporting the public schools and neighborhood teachers?

So how does he plan to enhance our high school graduation rate? What is happening at your community college nowadays? What kind of curriculum is taught? If you can go back to the community college in the town of yours, would you go to school there rather than heading to a four year institution? How do you want your university or college to support you? What do pupils that graduate from high school in Dan Helmer’s district think about their knowledge?

Precisely how will he fight back against the spread of social networking apps like snapchat that motivate users to send nude images of themselves?

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